WacServerConnection DSC Resource

The WacHciConnection DSC resource can be used to add Windows Hyper-Converged Infrastructure for management in WAC. This extension does not support removing HCI connections yet.

Note: This resource requires WAC version 1812 or above.

Property Description
HciClusterName Specifies the name of the HCI cluster that needs to be added to Windows Admin Center for management.
GatewayEndpoint Specifies the URL at which WAC is available. For example, https://wac.myhci.lab
Credential Specifies the credentials to authenticate to WAC. This is mandatory.
Ensure Specifies if a HCI Clusterconnection in WAC should be added or removed. The valid values are Present and Absent. Default is Present.

Example 1

$configurationData = @{
    AllNodes = @(
            NodeName = 'localhost'
            PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true
            CertificateFile = "C:\certs\wachost.cer"

Configuration Sample_WacHciConnection_Defaults
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName WindowsAdminCenterDsc

    Node $AllNodes.NodeName
        WacHciConnection Sample_WacHciConnection_Defaults
            HciClusterName = 'hcicluster.myhci.lab'
            GatewayEndpoint = 'https://wac.myhci.lab'
            Credential = $Credential
            Ensure = 'Present'

Sample_WacHciConnection_Defaults -ConfigurationData $configurationData -Credential (Get-Credential)

The above example adds HCI Cluster to WAC for management. Providing Credentials is mandatory since DSC runs in SYSTEM context.