WacSetup DSC Resource

The WacSetup DSC resource is a composite resource that can be used to install or uninstall Windows Admin Center.

Note: This resource can be used with any Windows Admin Center version. However, the rest of the resources in this module require WAC version 1812 or above.

Property Description
InstallerPath Specifies the path to Windows Admin Center MSI file. This needs to be a local path.
Port Specifies the port at which WAC will be configured. Default value is 443.
CertificateThumbprint Specifies the certificate thumbprint for the WAC webserver instance. Default is to generate a self-signed certificate.
ProductId Specifies the product ID needed to install WAC. This is not mandatory.
Ensure Specifies if WAC should be installed or uninstalled. The valid values are Present and Absent. Default is Present.

Example 1

Configuration Sample_WacSetup_SelfSignedCert
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName WindowsAdminCenterDsc
    WacSetup Sample_WacSetup_SelfSignedCert
        InstallerPath = 'C:\Wac\WindowsAdminCenterPreview1812.msi'
        Ensure = 'Present''


The above example installs WAC with a self-signed certificate and listens at port 443.

Example 2

Configuration Sample_WacSetup_CustomCert
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName WindowsAdminCenterDsc

    WacSetup Sample_WacSetup_CustomCert
        InstallerPath = 'C:\Wac\WindowsAdminCenterPreview1812.msi'
        CertificateThumbprint = '8E13E03E36EF4EAB6BD72589FC85FAA8D3E3EE41'
        Ensure = 'Present'


The above example installs WAC with a custom Server authentication certificate and listens at port 443.

Example 3

Configuration Sample_WacSetup_CustomPort

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName WindowsAdminCenterDsc
    WacSetup Sample_WacSetup_CustomPort
        InstallerPath = 'C:\Wac\WindowsAdminCenterPreview1812.msi'
        CertificateThumbprint = '8E13E03E36EF4EAB6BD72589FC85FAA8D3E3EE41'
        Port = 4443
        Ensure = 'Present'


The above example installs WAC with a custom Server authentication certificate and listens at custom port 4443.

Example 4

Configuration Sample_WacSetup_Uninstall

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName WindowsAdminCenterDsc
    WacSetup Sample_WacSetup_Uninstall
        InstallerPath = 'C:\Wac\WindowsAdminCenterPreview1812.msi'
        Ensure = 'Absent'


The above example uninstalls WAC.